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Beagle Dog Zone Training Guide And Beagle Obedience Lessons
Beagle Dog Zone Training Guide and Beagle Obedience Lessons Beagle Training System Dear Beagle owner, As you know, Beagles are extremely beautiful, active and intelligent dogs. They make wonderful companions who undoubtedly will bring many years of joy to you and your family. It's important to your Beagle's development that you learn how to positively channel his energy and intelligence so as to build a healthy bond between you and your Beagle. Having a healthy, happy, well behaved Beagle is an extremely rewarding experience. Your Beagle will respect you, protect your home and family and provide companionship like no other dog. A well trained Beagle will truly be your best friend. Unfortunately, the majority of Beagles never have the opportunity to experience the type of training required to bring out their full level of intelligence and take advantage of the positive social skills that are also part of his breeding. The same holds true for the majority of Beagle owners...they never get to experience the full level of intelligence their Beagle is capable of...and therefore miss out on having a fully rewarding relationship. You see, the problem lies with the training material that's currently available to Beagle owners, in that it's not specific to the Beagle breed. In fact, most of the training material available today is based on techniques meant to train any and all dog breeds. If you're truly searching for the proper training methods for your Beagle, I strongly suggest against material claiming to train any and all dog breeds. Whyb Simply because Beagles are different from other dog breeds. In fact, every dog breed is unique in the sense that they all react and respond to stimuli in different ways. That is what separates each breed from each other and this is what makes a Beagle a Beagle. You can't expect a Beagle to respond in the same way as an Akita or Doberman Pinscher. Or how about trying to train your Beagle using techniques that might work for a 4lb. Yorkieb Probably not the best idea unless you're the one trying to sell the material. This is why it's so important to train your Beagle using techniques specific to the Beagle breed. How do I know so much about Beagles you askb We'll, my deeply rooted education of training began while growing up on a farm in the desert Southwest where my parents bred and trained DS Beagles, Shepherds and Weimaraner puppies. I vividly recall learning early on the importance of teaching training techniques specific to each of these breeds. Outside of the essential training commands such as sit, stay, retrieve, heal, down etc.... our dogs were professionally trained herders, hunters, and protectors at a very early age. It's an amazing thing to see a Beagle and a Border Collie working together as a team while happily herding cattle...or to watch a Beagle and a German Shepherd work together in an effort to find a hidden decoy. Simply put, These dogs were super inteligent...and you could tell they were very happy knowing how smart they were. This is where Zone Training Your Beagle For Obedience And Companionship comes in to play. What is Zone Trainingb Zone Training is an unparalleled training method developed for specific dog breeds such as your Beagle. It reinforces their position (or zone) with relationship to their owner. Currently there isn't another dog training program on the market that can bring out your Beagle's ultimate level of intelligence and happiness. With Zone Training You Will Also: Learn The History of the Beagle Understand the Specific Abilities Bred Into Beagles (a.k.a. SUPERNOSE!) Learn To Easily Housebreak Your Beagle Learn To Stop Your Beagle Puppy From Jumping, Digging, Biting Train Using Your Beagle's Natural Prey Drive Train Using Your Beagle's Natural Pack Drive Train Using Your Beagle's Natural Defense Drive Learn The Importance Of A Proper Training Foundation Learn The Beagle Basics Of Sit, Down, Recall, Heel, Wait, Watch Learn To Stop Bad Behavior Naturally Before It Even Starts Learn To Stop Beagle Aggression Learn How To Take The Edge Off Your Hyperactive Beagle And SO MUCH MORE...! Now let me tell you what Zone Training is NOT: Zone Training techniques will in no way make your Beagle robotic or mechanical in nature...nor will it rob your dog of his character or pride. I truly despise training techniques of a cruel nature...or ones which employ intimidation tactics to get your Beagle to do what you want. These types of techniques are inhumane and only lay the groundwork for a resentful, and unhealthy relationship. In addition, this book will not cure an unsocial or dangerous animal of their bad habits. Nor is this book a tool to raise a hunting dog. Remember, Zone Training is developed to create a healthy, happy and intelligent Beagle. Imagine feeling completely comfortable walking your Beagle on the sidewalk ...even while other dogs and people walk right past. After speaking a sit or down command...your Beagle will behave in that position...anxiously awaiting your next command. Or...imagine being able to let him off the leash for a run only to willingly race back to your side at your first command. With Zone Training Your Beagle you'll easily train your dog to do all these things and more, without paying a professional Beagle trainer thousands of dollars in fees ...And without using cruel or intimidating tactics. The reason I say it will cost you thousands of dollars to train your Beagle by a professional is because the top trainer at our facility charges a $3,500 flat fee to train a Beagle using the exact same methods and techniques taught in my book. And the fact that YOU will train your dog as opposed to a total stranger...this will create a bond that only you and your Beagle can have. He'll respect you for the education you've provided. Quite literally the valuable training information within my book is worth every bit of $3,500. Clients pay this amount to be on a waiting list to have their Beagle learn these techniques...And like I said, it's never as effective as the owner of the dog doing the teaching... as long as the owner has the right tools. So how much does training material like this costb We'll, since Zone Training Your Beagle is a brand new publication I've decided to provide you with an introductory price $22.95 for a very short period of time. During this time I'm asking for customers to provide me with feedback regarding these outstanding training techniques. If I use your feedback as a testimonial on my website I'll discount your purchase an additional 10% via PayPal, plus you'll get a direct link to your web site if you have one. As soon as I receive enough feedback from my customers the price of Zone Training Your Beagle is going to shoot up to $29.95 where it will remain. Your 100% Money Back Guarantee In Addition To This Introductory Offer I Would Like To Extend My Personal 100% Money Back Guarantee To You: If after attempting to train your Beagle using the exact techniques within Zone Training Your Beagle You are not satisfied with the results...I'll Gladly refund your entire purchase price. That's how confident I am that you'll be more than satisfied with how well Zone Training will work for you and your Beagle. I only ask that you allow a minimumin of six weeks to complete the program. This means you can try Zone Training Your Beagle without any risk. Also, since Zone Training Your Beagle arrives immediately on your computer as an E-Book, You'll begin learning all these breed specific Beagle training techniques within seconds from now. Take advantage of this introductory offer now and save $7 off the future price. Don't miss out on the rewarding experience of having a Zone Trained Beagle. Sincerely, Richard Romero Order Now Via Our Secure Server And Instantly Receive Your Copy Now For A Limited Time Only $22.95. To securely order using a check click here. Important....You are ordering an ebook. Once your order is complete you will be directed to a page where you can access all the training material online. It is important that you understand that your purchase is for a digital ebook and not a hard cover copy. Thank you, Richard Romero Order | Contact | Affiliates Copyright A© 2007. All rights reserved.
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