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Low Carb Diet Plans: Stop Cheating On Your Low Carb Diet!
Low Carb Diet Plans: Stop Cheating On Your Low Carb Diet! After 6 Years Of Research, . . . "Stick To Your Diet, Starting TODAY!" If you want to learn more, press "play" to hear an important message from human motivation expert Jim Stone. . . Discover the secrets of your 3 internal motivational systems, and enjoy long-lasting low-carb success, no matter which version of the low carb diet you are currently following. I guarantee it!To find out more, keep reading . . . From Jim Stone
a little bit north of Seattle, Washington 8:45 AM
Dear Friend, re you a little bit like Inez Wilsonb She's a 54-year-old mother-of-3 who managed to accumulate 60 unwanted pounds over the years. And she's using a low carb diet to help herself
slim down. Inez lost 20 pounds in about 3 months, and was feeling great, until one day her manager brought donuts to work. Some were glazed and twisty. Some were cream-filled and chocolaty. Some were jelly-filled and sugar-coated.
And there were even old-fashioned donuts and maple bars. Inez resisted for most of the morning, but then
she took one. She covered it with a paper towel and snuck it back to her desk, where she picked off bite-sized chunks and hurried them into her mouth. Learn how to resist even your favorite high carb foods. She wasn't able to savor the donut, either. She just snuck bite after bite into her mouth until the donut was gone. Then she wanted more. She already blew it -- might as well binge! At lunch time she grabbed two more donuts, snuck them into her purse, and headed out of the building. She wolfed down the two donuts, and fetched herself a flour-tortilla burrito to top it all off. She felt briefly satisfied. But it would be two months and 13 pounds before she would give her low carb diet another try. If you can relate to Inez, if even a part of you can, then I know you'll be thrilled to hear what I have to say as you read the rest of this letter. Inez's story illustrates just one of the many ways we sabotage our low carb diets.
It's completely demoralizing. But there's good news!
If you struggle with this, or any other pattern of low-carb self-sabotage, I want to help you . . . "Put An End To Each Of Your Cheating Behaviors" How would you like to look in the mirror and see a younger, slimmer version of yourself staring back at youb
How would you like to fit into clothes you haven't worn for yearsb
How would you like to get admiring looks from strangers, and inspire poetry with your very presenceb Yes, it even works for extreme chocoholics! And how would you like to move more quickly, more nimbly, more gracefully than you have in years, because you're not carrying around that heavy burden anymoreb That's WHY you're doing a low carb diet in the first place, isn't itb And every time you cheat or binge or lapse, you set yourself back. You move your goals out of reach once again. Aaarghhh! It makes you want to SCREAM sometimes, doesn't itb I can help. I really can. You are a wonderfully complex and mysterious person. But sometimes the complexity can make it difficult to get what you really want. I can lift the veil away, and reveal to you the secret rhythms behind your behavior, so you can finally reach your goals. "The answers are in my book" Here's just a little taste of what's waiting for you in Stop Cheating On Your Low Carb Diet: Do you know the secret formula that explains ALL cheating behaviors: AU + SP + RD = A b (learn it on p. 38) How a natural desire for romance and sex can help you defeat your sweet tooth (pp. 42, 43) How a simple legal pad can completely transform your dieting experience (p. 87) A fantastic line that will leave your friends and family NO choice but to support your diet -- at least if they're human (p. 97) Do you know why most people resist HEROIN much more easily than CARBOHYDRATESb (find out on pp. 129, 130) The 6 main cheating scenarios (ch 2), and how to handle each of them (chs 5-7) 3 things you might be doing right now to cause your friends and family to have a legitimate "beef" with your low carb diet -- and how you should address their concerns (pp. 93-99) An amazingly simple technique that can melt your cravings away (pp. 57-60) One crucial thing most low carb dieters never seriously consider. Many people must do this to get complete victory -- and it's not counting calories (p. 104) How an active fantasy life can keep you faithful . . . to your diet, that is (pp. 53-57) Several things you must throw out of your house to really succeed on your diet . . . it's not just food . . . and it's not your significant other, either (pp. 73-76) The exact reason why people often feel guilty about really dumb things, and why this might be preventing you from reaching your goals (read about it in chapter 3) and much, much more. This book will help you understand all of your cheating behaviors, and get them out of your life, one-by-one, until they're all gone, and they no longer stand between you and your leaner, healthier, happier, and more energetic self. This sounds good to you, doesn't itb I'm guessing it does. There probably isn't a person on our cozy blue planet who doesn't want those things. But, if you're like me, . . . "You Have Friends Who Want You To Be Cautious" And that can be a good thing. A good friend might raise several questions at this point, with your best interest at heart: Does this guy know what he's talking aboutb
Will it work for YOUb
Do you really need this bookb
Are you going to get a good priceb
Is the product GUARANTEEDb I would like to take some time now and answer each of your friend's questions. And if you're like me, your natural and healthy skepticism will start to fade bit by bit. It will be replaced by hope and excitement as you read more and more of this letter and realize you really can stick to your diet like never before. If you get to the end and you still have questions I will provide you a way to contact me. And relax. I'm friendly, and nice, and I really do want to help you succeed with your diet. In fact, there's even a little gift waiting for you at the end of this letter. Now, let me formally introduce myself . . . "Hi. I'm Jim Stone.It's A Pleasure To Meet You!"(handshake) Let me start by giving you some reasons why
you can trust that I know what I am talking about. First, I have done a lot of research in two different fields, and for most people an understanding of BOTH fields is required to have success with their diet. Those two fields are low carbohydrate nutrition and human motivation. Second, it's not just theoretical with me. I know how to fail on a low carb diet. Before I succeeded I failed three times. That gave me the experience and motivation I needed to figure out what factors lead people to fail on their low carb diets. And, third, I learned how to succeed on a low carb diet. And I have reaped the rewards, including a leaner and healthier body, loose-fitting clothes, and a peaceful, "in-control" feeling.
At one point in my life I put on ten pounds a year for six straight years. That's when I first came across a low carb diet, and gave it a shot. I lost 30 pounds pretty quickly.
But guess whatb I started eating carbs again and the weight all came back.
I repeated the process a couple more times. Losing 25 pounds, then putting it back on again. This new pattern was better than putting on 10 pounds a year, like I had been doing. But it greatly frustrated me that I couldn't consistently stick to my diet.
While all this was going on I studied human motivation while writing my Ph.D. Dissertation, and I developed the ASR Human Motivation Model. "Jim, you're wonderful! I love you! I'll be honest, I still cheat sometimes, but it's getting to be less and less . . .
. . . the neat thing is that when I do cheat, I understand it. You know . . . and I know what I need to do."
Amy Yeller, First Grade Teacher This model, six years in the making, explains what motivates us to do the things we do, and, most importantly for our purposes, it explains what motivates us to eat the things we eat. And this is the exciting thing. When I applied this new understanding of human motivation to my diet, I soon discovered exactly why I was cheating on my diet. And it was easy from that point to do some brainstorming, and some research, and come up with many effective ways to overcome my self-defeating behaviors. Your book will be an instantly downloadable e-book When I finally figured out the formula for low-carb success, I wanted to help other people finally succeed like I did. So I set out to make the model of human motivation as easy to understand and practical as I possibly could, and wrap it all up with good humor, so as many people as possible could benefit from the message in a book.
I spent a lot of time producing the book Stop Cheating On Your Low-Carb Diet!, and now it's ready. I'm really proud of this book, and know it will be helpful to thousands of low carb dieters all over the world. Now I'm guessing you might want to ask . . . "Will It Work For Meb" Yes! Let me explain: Stop Cheating On Your Low-Carb Diet! is NOT just a collection of "common sense" tips. Instead it relies on the scientific idea that we have three distinct parts within us that motivate us to do different things for different reasons. And sometimes these different parts of ourselves conflict with one another. Now, that might sound kind of familiar, but I assure you that this is not just a rehashed version of Sigmund Freud's "ego", "id" and "superego". "Jim Stone's work Stop Cheating on Your Low Carb Diet is a valuable tool to utilize in conjunction with essentially any low carbohydrate plan . . . Easy to read, I believe this book to be a helpful guide to those at the beginning and intermediate stages of the low carb lifestyle, or for anyone who is having difficulty maintaining this new approach to eating." --Kristen Villers RN BSN August 8, 2004 The ASR theory relies on very recent discoveries in the fields of evolutionary psychology and cognitive science.
But don't worry too much about the science. I've made it easy to understand. In fact, this is what Sharon Yeamans has to say about her copy of the book: "I love a book with humor!!! ... I feel that a lot of what you said can also be applied to life in general, and I love a book that leads me on to other books to read ... The reading was easy and to the point. Thank you for the words of encouragement in continuing my low carb lifestyle." -- Sharon Yeamans, Houseperson and Mother, formerly employed outside the home, and crazy to the max!! This is the thing... A proper understanding of your three motivational systems can help you diagnose the cause of your self-defeating behaviors very precisely. And that will help you devise strategies to get all three parts of yourself pointing in the same, low carb, direction. Basically, you will take three parts of yourself that sometimes don't get along very well, and teach them to sing a glorious, three-part, low-carb harmony. And, when you learn to do THAT, you will receive the added benefit that all of the bits of
advice presented in the book won't seem like just a jumbled mess of good ideas. You will actually see how they all fit together. And all those scattered bits of wisdom you've found in other low carb writings will fit together into the same system as well. It will finally all make sense! But don't think about ordering just yet... "You Need To Know If This Book Is Right For YOU" In order to be an informed consumer of low carb diet information, you must heed these two warnings. The first warning is about other low carb diet books. The second warning is about this book: Warning #1: You will not have a complete low carb solution until you have these six things. 1. You must understand how to do a low carb diet, and have some recipes to get you started. (Many books do this fairly well.) 2. You must understand how a low carb diet works in your body. (Many books do this fairly well.) 3. You must know how stress leads to carbohydrate cravings. (Some books talk a little bit about this, too.) 4. You must learn to develop an accute sensitivity to your own cheating behavior, and have the skills to analyze your behavior in a way that will lead to successful counter-measures. (This is rarely given the attention it deserves in most low carb diet books.) 5. You must understand the social dimension of your life, and how it affects what you eat. (It is quite rare to see this in a low carb diet book.) 6. You must have a solid understanding of human motivation. (No other low carb diet book will give you this!) Most low carb diet books give you a good treatment of only the first two things. Chances are you already own a book that explains how to do a low carb diet -- complete with recipes. That's a good start. If you don't have one of those books, you should go get one. You won't find that information in Stop Cheating On Your Low Carb Diet!. But clearly what those books cover is not enough to ensure success. And here's the second warning... Warning #2: Do NOT think about buying THIS book if you are looking for one of the following things: If you are looking for yet another low carb diet plan with just a slightly new "tweak" on every other low carb diet plan, this book is not for you.
...AND ... If you are looking for yet another low carb diet book that consists of 30% information and 70% recipes, this book is not for you. Everyone should have a low carb diet book that has a diet plan. For the record, my favorite low carb diet plan books are these:
Dr. Wolfgang Lutz's Life Without Bread Dr. Loren Cordain's The Paleo Diet
and Dr. Gregory Ellis's Ultimate Diet Secrets I have benefitted greatly from these books, and recommend them highly. These books serve quite well for a FIRST book on low carb dieting -- as would these books: Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution
The South Beach Diet
The Zone
Sugar Busters
The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet
Some of Suzanne Sommers' books
The Fat Flush Plan
Protein Power
And Many Others However, If you already have one of THOSE books, ...
...but you find yourself struggling to stay on your diet...
...and you want to own a manual that helps you understand yourself, and what motivates you...
...a manual dedicated to human motivation, and how it affects your attempts to stay on your low carb diet...
...and you are looking for a book that will finally help you stick to your low carb diet...
... this book is exactly what you need. But, you might be wondering . . . "Are You Going To Get A Good Dealb" Now look inside your heart and answer honestly. If you could arrive at a whole new place, where your diet fits you like the perfect pair of jeans, would that be worth $500 to youb Now, don't worry. This book does NOT cost $500. But if it actually helps you stick to your diet this time, wouldn't it be worth that muchb If you keep reading, you'll find out that I want you to be able to tell your friends that you got a great deal.
With that in mind, here are some costs I'll help you avoid: Imagine: you could spend $20/month (that's $240/year) to join a diet support group. I will teach you things that can bolster your motivation more than the typical support group. And I'll also show you how to set up your own diet support group for free. You could spend hundreds of dollars a year buying "special" low carb foods you can't find at the supermarket. These special pricy products are crutches you will no longer need once you know how to do a low carb diet properly. You could spend $50 per week (or more) for a therapist or a personal coach to help you succeed on your low carb diet. But you won't need those services if you apply the lessons of this book. (Of course if you are seeing a therapist for other reasons, I'm not telling you to fire them :) ) In addition to avoiding those costs, here's what you get: You get the 125 page instantly downloadable e-book Stop Cheating On Your Low-Carb Diet!. And there's no "fluff" in those 125 pages -- just everything you need to know about yourself and your diet to really succeed this time. And that's not all:
I want you to have at least one new exciting recipe to kick off this new phase of your journey. (If you don't like chili, feel free to pass this recipe on to your friends.)
Bonus 1: Chef Jay's Incredible Low Carb Chili Recipe ( a $9.95 value) Chef Jay of makes a great pot of chili. And he has agreed to offer his secret recipe to you, my customer. The basic chili is unbelievably flavorful, and he shows you how to make it as spicy or as mild as you want. And here's the cherry on top:
Here's something you will never get when you buy a physical book . . .
Bonus 2: Free Upgrades of Stop Cheating On Your Low Carb Diet! ( a $30.00 value)
You don't have to worry that if you buy the book now, you will miss out on new material in a future version. If you provide me with a valid email address, I will make sure to notify you about how to get a free upgrade copy of Stop Cheating On Your Low Carb Diet! whenever I publish a new edition. This is a great deal, but don't worry. I'm not going to charge you $500. You can get the book and the bonuses for much, much less.
However, . . . "You Want To Act soon. I'll tell you why." When I was deciding on a price for Stop Cheating On Your Low-Carb Diet!, most of what I read indicated that I should try to sell it for at least $49. Some books in the same general field sell very well at that price. And due to the fact that this book offers an exclusive solution to a very pressing problem, it could probably sell for more. But if I shoot too high with the price, it's difficult to lower the price later. If I offer the book at $49, and I want to lower the price to $39, I'm going to feel bad about all the people who bought at $49.
So, even though I have many indications that Stop Cheating On Your Low-Carb Diet! can sell optimally at $49 or more, Today you can get it for less. By the way, the first three bonuses are yours to keep, even in the unlikely event you decide
to take advantage of my ironclad moneyback guarantee: "You can't lose with my 100%,
ironclad, moneyback guarantee." I guarantee your satisfaction, and offer 100% money back guarantee. If, for any reason, within the first 60 days, you aren't completely satisfied with Stop Cheating On Your Low-Carb Diet!, please ask and you will receive a refund of 100% of your purchace price, and I will have no hard feelings.
Let me be perfectly clear. I honestly don't want your money if this book does not do for you all I say it will. I would feel terrible. Please, in the unlikely event that you don't like the book, do us both a favor and ask for a refund. "Now Let's Get Back To That Friend Who Was Sitting Next To You Asking All Those Good Questions" If your friend is a good friend, and we've answered all of her questions, she'll surely say at this point, "Go for it! Order the book, and get started right away!". But you might find that your friend wants you to continue struggling with your diet. Why would she want thatb Well, . . . Maybe it will "prove her right" about her negative attitudes toward low carb diets. Maybe your failure helps her feel superior. Maybe she fears you will get more admiring looks than she does. Maybe she's afraid that you will have more options and won't need her as much if you lose weight. If you have friends and family like that, don't let them hold you back. Instead, listen to the friends who say, "Hey, this guy knows what he's talking about, his system is based on science (and people say it's fun to read!). It seems like a really good deal, and you can always ask for a refund if you're not satisfied. Go for it friend! I'm not afraid of you having loose fitting clothes. I'm not afraid of you getting admiring looks when we go out. I'm not afraid that you'll lose interest in me when you have more options. I'm not afraid that you'll get what you really want. Go for it!" You should listen to that friend. Because that's the kind of friend who really does have your best interest at heart. They were asking the tough questions to get answers, NOT to keep you from what you want. My friend, I have answered the tough questions. I do know what I'm talking about -- from my own experience, and from research. People really do find the book fun to read. You are getting a great deal. And you can always get your money back if you aren't completely satisfied. You honestly have nothing to lose. So what are you waiting forb Go for it, friend! Get what you really want. Here's how to order now: "Here's how to get your downloadable E-book right now!"
To get your copy of Stop Cheating on Your Low Carb Diet! just click the text link below, and you'll be reading in minutes.
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Yes! I Want To Succeed With My Diet Like Never Before! Please, Take Me To The Book Right Now! To your success, Jim Stone P.S.
I honestly think you will breeze right through the download of your book and free bonuses, and you'll be reading in minutes. But you should know that, if you need it, there is a link on the download page that will allow you to send me an email message. If you have ANY trouble with your download, any trouble at all, please, don't hesitate to contact me, and I will personally walk you through the process. P.P.S.
Remember, you get Stop Cheating On Your Low-Carb Diet! -- the book that finally explains to you why you cheat and how you can finally root out each of your cheating behaviors. Plus you get my ironclad guarantee. But act soon, as the price will soon rise. (c) Copyright 2010 by Jim Stone Enterprises. - All Rights Reserved 20027 13th Drive SE
Bothell, WA 98012 webmasters
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