Friday, June 14, 2013

Dog Training - How To Train Your Dog In Advanced Methods.

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Dog Training - How To Train Your Dog In Advanced Methods.
Dog Training - How to train your dog in advanced methods. Online Dog Training Home | Contact Us | Dog Training Forums | Our Blog! Main Menu:Company InfoMeet the K9-1 TeamFrequently Asked QuestionsRecommended ResourcesTestimonialsGuard Dog SalesIn-Kennel TrainingDog Rescue:Dog Shelter SolutionsTrained Dogs for Adoption Latest Blog Posts Online dog training for the serious trainer. Learn how to train aggressive, fearful, and difficult dogs. This is the home and support center for Foundation Style Dog Training. Dear Dog Lover: On a beautiful late spring afternoon, 18 years ago, three young dog enthusiasts graduated from high school. They were very much alike, these three young men. All had been better than average students, all were personable and all as young graduates are were filled with ambitious dreams for the future working with their passion... Dogs. Recently, these three men all stopped to take a breather, and reflect on their career choices. They were still very much alike. All three were happily married. All had two children. And all, it turned out, had gone to work in the same industry, of dog training, and were still there. But there was a difference. One of the men was a trainer in a small department of a pet store chain. He worked mostly with treats and often turned away difficult aggression cases or requests for specialized training.He was a dog lover and refused to inflict pain on a dog, even if it meant turning his back on that dog. The other had been known to be very rough, old school, and some say abusive with the dogs.He mostly worked behind closed doors, and some of the dogs that were turned away at the pet store ended up with him.Despite the fact that he was very rough, he considered himself also a dog lover and refused to turn his back on a dog even it meant inflicting pain to train or save the life of that dog. Yet, the third trainer had followers all over the world.He managed to teach advanced training for all dogs, welcomed all aggression cases, and managed to do this without using harsh corrections or intimidation.He refused to turn his back on a dog and also would not resort to being abusive.If he couldn't find a way he made a way.He was very sucessful in his field. What Made The Difference b Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in peoples livesb It isnt always a native intelligence or talent or dedication. It isnt that one person wants success or to make strides in dog training and the other doesnt. Its not that one trainer is a more humane person than the other.As a persons opinion of what a humane choice for the dog is may differ. The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she applies that knowledge. And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about For that is the whole purpose of this website: To give its users knowledge knowledge that they can apply to any dog training situation. A Website Unlike Any Other You see, is a unique website. Its the world's only source for instruction on "foundation style" dog training.You cant find this style at a University, in a book, or in its complete format anywhere else on the World Wide Web.This is a systematic approach to use as a compass in ANY dog behavior problem or dog training plan.It is the preferred style of a growing number of successful modern dog trainers. Additionally, the website's pages are monitored and updated weekly to reflect the most current changes and additions to the dog training standard.Also, information of interest and significance to dog-minded people, and those with a special interest in dog rescue are posted on the site and delivered to you. Not just obedience and behavior problems, but anything and everything in the whole, fast-moving world of the dog training and dog rescue industry gives you all the dog training insight and solutions you need when you want to be on top of what you are passionate about. Knowledge Is Power Right now, I am reading the Foundation Style troubleshooting chart. It easily shows me what went wrong with a dogs past dog training plan.All the major areas are covered: separation anxiety, housebreaking, obedience, aggression, and more. There is video after video demonstrating how to humanely train a dog to off-leash control reliably. It is the exact standard that has been used to train the obedience of all the personal protection dogs and aggression rehab/management cases in K9-1 Specialized Dog Trainings facility.Learn how to use all the major dog training collars and equipment the right way humanely, without causing pain, and unnecessary stress.Watch how to get bomb proof control with soft commands and a gentle method.Working dogs, fearful dogs, aggression cases, even undomesticated canines this method has worked on all of them. A blog, a forum, and a website all working together to keep you informed on new and hard to find training techniques, information, and tricks of the trade.If you have never read through, you cannot imagine how useful it can be to you. Much of the information that appears on the website appears nowhere else and will be the first place new information on Foundation Style Dog Training and certain advances in dog training will be published. About those three high school students, I mentioned at the beginning of this letter. They graduated from high school together and together got started in the world of dog training. So what made their lives in dog training differentb Knowledge. Useful knowledge. And its application. An Investment In Successful Dog Training Hello Folks, Mike and Hunkie. Hunkie was recommended to be destroyed by both Cornell University's dog behavior department and a by a Nationally certified dog behavior consultant (CDBC). I am Mike D'Abruzzo. I work together with some other great dog trainers. I do not claim to be better than any other trainer out there, but I do have a system that makes advanced training much easier and more humane for the average person.Also, more importantly I have an agenda.And that agenda is help change the world of dog training and make significant changes in the outlook of our best friends futures.I have been an obsessive fanatic of dog training for over 18 years full time living, breathing, and eating dog training to create answers for what I could not find through many college courses, dog training schools, seminars, and books that I have absorbed.This web site is a work in progress for YOU and your dogs.I have combined my passion into laymans terms to make it easier for you to pick up where I left off and continue on with me as support.Through better standards, professionalism, and above all else a higher level of respect and value for the lives of these god given creatures that rely on us for not only their quality of life, but for life itself, we must all band together to get good information out there.There are NO STANDARDS IN DOG TRAINING and this website has an alliance with no major dog training organization. You will get unbiased information from a source that will challenge and question all spectrums and sources of the field.You may agree or disagree with much of what I write and demonstrate in videos, but one thing for certain is that you will stay informed and have the power to make your own educated decisions with how you train your dog or help a rescue. The majority of the information on the site is accessed easily for free. All you have to do is submit your email below to stay informed of modern and ethical dog training techniques and tips. We never share your info, andare a proud A+ rated member of the Better Business Bureau for your confidence. Sincerely Yours, Mike DAbruzzo CEO / Founder K9-1 Specialized Dog Training LLC "Foundation Style" dog training done on a Timber Wolf b "Foundation Style" dog training used as a base for personal protection training "Foundation Style" training - Sample Lesson Click on the Triangle to start! Peek into our world of dog training... 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